What is a memory?
In hypnosis one of the most powerful therapeutic reprogramming tools the hypnotist has is what is known as "revivication". However as a person looks into exactly what a memory is, they encounter a challenge. In fact, in a series of studies of which the following was the basis for the research "The cognitive neuroscience of long-term memory is ingrained with the assumptions that a particular task measures a single cognitive process and that each cognitive process is mediated by a single brain region. However, these assumptions are simplistic and hindering progress toward understanding the true mechanisms of memory.", a number of observations were made.
What is demonstrable is that a memory is "recreated" using points of reference. The challenge, of course, is what happens if the bio-filing system is corrupted? Anyone who has had the experience of a computer virus understands the impact of a corrupted file. Corrupted memories become conscious active destructive patterns. When we engage a memory then we engage finite possibility because it requires a recreation of a past single event. A person becomes trapped because the conscious mind does not have the processing power to identify what is an illusion.
Diametrically juxtaposed to conscious limitation is the infinite possibility of your unconscious mind. This manifests in a person's life as inspiration, from which music, love, beauty, art, etc. manifest. A person cannot be engaged in an active destructive pattern and experience inspiration simultaneously. This is the whole basis behind the Code Zero Prosperity Matrix.
Unfortunately, most people consciously choose to engage these memories and this manifests experientially as disease, stress, financial challenges, obesity, addiction, anger and so on.
The question that often arises is why does the unconscious mind not intervene when a person is suffering? The answer whilst profoundly complex is also very simple. Because every person has choice, and that is what denoted the divinity of every human, as such, this ability to choose cannot be overridden. This appears to be the true underlying meaning of faith. A person has to choose to have faith in faith, and in that unconditionally vulnerable moment, the unconscious will act. However, the more a person considers the possibility that faith has been hijacked to become a conscious process, the better the understanding they have of what faith actually is.
Conscious/Unconscious dissociation.
Understanding the critical importance of the unconscious mind is paramount to Code Zero and in no small way explains the x-factor that has profoundly impacted many people. The ancients developed a psychology system that incorporates this belief as a foundational element, the unconscious is regarded as the inner child, the conscious the Middle Self and the super conscious the Higher Self. It is from this system that we get religious concept of the Trinity, albeit a distorted view.
The role of the conscious mind is limited, however, as a result of the postulations of Descartes and Freud it has been allowed to assume a participation and worthiness far beyond its capabilities. It is akin to driving a Ford Focus in a formula 1 race and expecting it to win. For example, the unconscious mind is believed to be able to handle at least 2.3 billion pieces of information simultaneously. The conscious mind can handle just 1.
The conscious mind communicates with the unconscious mind, however, it has no ability to regulate the unconscious mind. In addition, the unconscious mind is also the only communication portal to the higher self, and any attempt to communicate otherwise results in what we call “unanswered prayers”. A cursory look around the world today will see that despite the greatest theological minds attempts over the centuries, the problem of “unanswered prayers” remains today. This has a resulted in a control system that has established the phenomena “conscious complexes and fixations” which have multiple negative sociological consequences formed around the core belief of a dictatorial, egotistical and cruel creator, or "the rulers" of the Gnostic writings.
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
The purpose of frequency?
As the conclusions of Vernetze Intelligenz were applied to this theory there emerged another exciting validation of the ancient science. Many years ago I postulated, long before I discovered these ancient teachings, that if the unconscious mind could recreate a simulation of everything its human experienced during a life cycle at the request of the conscious mind, there must be a way to do a system restore to an earlier working blueprint.
Conversely, if it simply revivifies a simulation (memory), say for example, a flu, then logically, it would “install” progressively worsening symptoms until the simulation was complete. That instruction could be the memory of going to the doctor, getting antibiotics and beginning to heal.
The remarkable anti-aging experiment carried out by psychologist Ellen Langer in 1979, and subsequently reproduced by the BBC not once, but twice, not only adds further validation to this theory, but also implies an innate ability of every human to change the hologram, which in turn, by default, changes a person's experience instantaneously. This in no small way explains the “placebo effect”.
If we accept the ancient view that, for example, all sickness is a corrupted pattern replaying, and there are many medical examples, such as cardiologists having an above normal rate of heart attacks within their profession, then this reinforces the philosophy that what a person experiences externally is a pattern replaying inside of them. The challenge of course, has been, to develop techniques that coalesce all of this information into a workable solution.
To this end, I have explored frequency in its many forms as being a powerful tool to change the reality the user experiences, which means, anyone participating in Code Zero will be exposed to powerful healing frequencies as an integral part of the process.
A person immediately recognizes what Erickson referred to as “multi-level communication with the unconscious mind” through the use of analogous linguistics to create powerful psychotherapeutic techniques that can result in profound changes both personally and sociologically.