““If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
The Digeridoo and the Drum
On my travels, there have been two instruments that have been universally accepted, the digeridoo and the bass drum. Now I fully appreciate this is anecdotal, however, if a person was to do a quick survey of their friends, one of the two aforementioned instruments would be gleefully accepted.
The digeridoo is generally accepted as being the oldest instrument on the planet. What is unique about this instrument is that in order to play it, the artist must generate breath (or prana), rhythm, frequency which all result in energy, thus meeting Tesla's requirements.
What is fasciniting is that the bass frequencies generated when a digeridoo is played not only hit the 33 HZ parameter, however also reach the same bass frequencies recorded when the Tibetan monks deep throat OM.
The bass drum, be it the Native American Pow Wow, the Bodhran of the celtics, the djembe of Africa, the 808 and 909 of electronic dance music etc, hold a fascination for their ability to enduce profound states of trance through repetition, frequency, rhythm and tempo, which, like the digeridoo, produce energy.
Neuroscience is confirming that Tibetan Monks do indeed engage the Gamma range during meditation.
Conversely, when a person reflects on the jhanas of Buddhism, the following is observed:
"The fourth jhana is similar to the delta one brainwave experience. Delta is about 1.5 to 4 HZ. When we fall asleep we enter delta. The transition between the third, theta and the fourth, delta one, is important for it is here that dream meditations can be achieved.
Here we are relaxed, conscious and full of equanimity. It is a transition between waking and sleeping. Here we can remember our dreams and ‘sink’ back into our dream state and change them. This is dream therapy in which we become conscious actors interacting with the content and symbolic nature of dreams.
“After abandoning both pleasure and pain, happiness and grief, the monk enters into a state beyond pleasure and pain with equanimity and an attentive mind, the fourth jhana.”
The fifth jhana is at 2-3 HZ.
In another EEG study, similar Delta observations were noted;
When this same meditator moved into developing arūpa jhāna, letting go of attending to the nimitta, electrical brain activity shifted to the right parietal lobe – see below - which is known to be involved in integrating spatial representations. The intense energisation has also now spread into the lowest-frequency (0–4 Hz) Delta band, as well as the Theta band. Delta activity is normally mostly found in deep sleep, but here it occurs as part of the highly aware meditative state.
In Vedic mantras, it is not the words that generate change, it is the mmmmmmm at the end of OM, Gum, Hreem, Shreem, Kleem, Dum, again all bass frequencies. Yet the higher frequencies are an integral part of the mantra.
When a baby cries and a mother picks her child up, she invariably will hummm, producing more bass frequencies to sooth her child. Again is is the higher discordant frequencies that denote the necessity of the lower frequencies.
When a cat purrs it produces bass frequencies.
The question naturally arises, are bass frequencies those that connect a person to the unconscious mind, the realm of infinite possibility and higher frequencies to the material world, the conscious world? So many misinformed people berate "low frequencies", and yet, the evidence is overwhelming that it is the lower frequency that enables a human to have metaphysical and miraculous healing experiences.
As I push the boundaries of acoustic genomics as far as I can, the applications have now expanded to nature itself. The implications pertaining to crop growth and food are one of the most exciting recent developments I have observed.
Logically, if a person could master a perfect Delta and Gamma simultaneous union then the ability to experience unconditionally would emerge. Elsewhere on this site is a quote, "when the conscious and unconscious compete, the unconscious always wins".
Is this the knowledge that has been lost, that it is not either or, but both simultaneously that produces momentous shifts in an individual`s life?
The above pages merely scratch the tip of the surface when dealing with the matters of rhythm and frequency. When a person contemplates the question of healing within a sonic parameter; by now, you, the reader, may accept that whilst the frequency focus is interesting, rhythm and tempo play an equally important role.
Rhythm produces frequency. However frequency, whilst by default is inclusive of rhythm, is not reliant on this. In order to truly understand the potentials of vibrational medicine, exploration of specific tempo and rhythm that produces a unification of both delta and gamma states simultaneously should be looked at.
In Gnostic texts, it is advised that "when the two opposing houses become one, you will say to the mountain "move away" and the mountain will move away". This poses the fascinitating concept of rhythm and frequency combining to produce delta and gamma states simultaneously.
In the matter of conscious/unconscious dissociation, do the higher frequencies of the high hat when combined with the profound lower frequencies of the bass drum, in a rhythmic dance, as found in virtually all electronic dance music, account for the global movement that continues to expand 30 years after its conception?
Do we see similar patterns in ancient mantras? The sch of schreem for example frequentially mimics the same frequencies of the high hat. If the reader is so inclined, you can record yourself saying schreem repetitively and eventually you will notice the familiar sound of the high hat appearing over the bass tones on the mmmmm.
Quantum science is finally arriving at the conclusion that what we are experiencing is one of an infinite number of realities running simultaneously.
Could it be that the purpose of music is not to heal/manifest or create anything in this particular reality, its secret lies in the ability to transport a person to the reality that they wish to experience?
Before you finish this article, perhaps you can play a song that has a powerful positive emotional charge for you.
Does it return you to a better time? What did you feel deep inside?
How important were the challenges you face today, even if just for a fleeting moment?
Did they even exist in that reality you just visited?
If you could bring your loved ones, your friends, your family and your community to that feeling, would you?
In its profoundly simple form, you will have just experienced time travel and a reality shift. What are the infinite possibilities you can experience now that you have mastered time travel and reality shifting?
Is this why the true healing power of music cannot be replicated by sound healers and binaural beats, because both require conscious engagement of a fixed reality? If a person is supposed to be experiencing challenges in a specific reality or a particular nature, would it not be easier to shift to where those challenges do not exist?
I have spent my life immersed in frequency and rhythm, asking questions, exploring every rabbit hole the questions led to. The ideas expressed in this article are just the tip of the iceberg, however, they are being shared to hopefully give more and more people their own rabbit holes to explore.
A person heals themselves because that which a person experiences in inside of them. There are facilitators and experiences a person can have to expedite this healing. Pow Wows, African ceremonies, Aboriginal celebrations, drum circles and more immediate, techno, house and tech house (quick note: just as not all frequencies are beneficial, neither are all djs. Ego based electronic dance music can easily be identified because it does not induce a natural state of trance).
All of the above modalities are united by a common theme, specific frequencies, the ones that do not hurt another. The choice, and it is only just a choice, is for a person to experience them.
Frequency is rhythm, rhythm is frequency and combined they have the power to move mountains, to heal, the shift the human collective to a space of peace, love, unity and respect.
To paraphrase Tesla, "to experience the secrets of the universe, resonate with vibration, frequency and feel the energy.