What one great dream would you dare dream if you knew you could not fail?

The purpose of all Code Zero protocols is to identify, understand and recode the Active Destructive Patterns that were installed from a perspective of "survival" between the ages of 1 and 7. These patterns have shaped your life and relationships in both beneficial and destructive ways.

Perhaps you could imagine what it would be like to discover a new way of seeing your life, one that is creative, realistic, empowering and satisfying?

Through a number of hypnotic and practical experiences, Code Zero allows a person to review the events of childhood in a safe container so that participants can begin to free themselves from the compulsion to engage the Active Destructive Patterns whose sole purpose is to create pain, misery, illness, conflict, stress, limitation, heartbreak, loneliness and disempowerment.

The more a person rediscovers the parts of themselves that they've hidden and denied, the more a person feels safe to unconditionally embrace the parts of their lives that they have rejected.

Whoever finds love
beneath hurt and grief
disappears into emptiness
with a thousand new disguises.
— Rumi

The result is the creation of a profound and empowering space that allows you to experience, listen to and focus on the truth of your wholeness. With Code Zero, a person can finally see that their most significant relationships are mirrors for self-reflection and healing as Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, Ho'oponopono and ancient knowledge teach, which means, after a person has a new appreciation and acceptance of how their life was and is, it allows the seeds of emotional, physical and spiritual health to blossom and grow easily and effortlessly.

Because life isn't something you can give an answer to today. You should enjoy the process of waiting, the process of becoming what you are. There is nothing more delightful than planting flower seeds and not knowing what kind of flowers are going to come up.