Welcome to Code Zero.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site because we hope you find the experience uplifting. Now, since you are reading this you are already aware by now how profoundly life-changing, unrivaled and valuable Code Zero is.
When you begin to realize how powerful Code Zero is, you'll be glad you experienced it. The question most people ask is before they decide to embark on this life changing experience is "what is the purpose behind the process?"
Perhaps I can share my story. In 2012 I was living a perfect life. A beautiful marriage, a custom built 5000 sq ft home and a thriving business. I had just appeared on CSI and everything was fantastic. Suddenly, without warning, tragedy struck, and in a matter of a few weeks, that beautiful life had turned into a nightmare.
I did not understand, I had done nothing wrong and yet, here I was, on my birthday on Christmas Day 2012, confused, alone and in deep mourning. Everything I believed in and loved had been taken away in the blink of an eye. I did not experience a dark night of the soul, I experienced many dark months of the soul.
As I reflected I understood that my purpose on this planet was to be of service. Carl Jung once famously observed:
"The unconscious has a thousand ways of snuffing out a meaningless existence with surprising swiftness"
I had often been troubled by the above quote, and now, in the darkest of nights the light it brought pierced that seemingly impenetrable wall of darkness with a clarity and focus that was breath taking.
As I result I was forced to ask the question, "am I leading a meaningless life?" I had experienced fame, fortune, traveled the world, had my music listened to by over 200 million people, how in any way could this be meaningless?
One night, as I pondered this question, a voice in a dream yelled at me "what is your purpose?". Startled I awoke. Despite knowing this was a dream, that voice would resonate for days and weeks, relentlessly and incessantly repeating the inquiry; "what is your purpose?"
I did not know. I could not answer it. Is this what Jung referred to as a "meaningless existence"?
In that moment of profound enlightment I made a choice. I surrendered and allowed myself to spend the next 6 years in study and learning. I traveled across the USA in search of an answer.
“People who accomplish a great many things are people who have freed themselves from biases. These are the creative people.”
The Profound Answer
The amazing thing was the realisation that it wasn't just me who was asking that question, everyone was. Consciously they felt they knew the answer and yet, on a deeper level they knew there was something much much more.
The more I met people the more I began to understand, and the more I began to understand the more Code Zero started to formulate with the intention of freeing people from the destructive patterns that prevent them from living their purpose and experiencing true prosperity and abundance. The secret is the unconscious mind. All challenges are learned behaviour, which means, far more permanent solutions can be learned. These solutions are found in the divine light contained within every man, woman and child, all we have to do is ask without hidden motiive and receive. Code Zero frees people so that they can receive.
Every Code Zero process incorporates advanced proprietary psychotherapeutic techniques that accommodate ancient knowledge, metaphysics, Kaufman's knot theory, frequency, Ericksonian theory, the concept of "helix to hologram" and much more.
In today's ever relentless society many of our clients feel it is important to free themselves of active destructive patterns by experiencing the Code Zero process, because they are able to rid themselves of unnecessary and unwanted stress. In the hectic modern demanding world every day, by now you obviously know there is no way to avoid increased complexities and stress. Everyone needs a way to be protected from increased stress and the Code Zero processes and experience provides that kind of protection for you.